The Verify Digital Signature System of eSigns has ability to check that your digital signature can be trust. Our currently system can supports for PDF file.
As the picture below you can see that the verify symbol on the sample document.
We will explian how to use the verify digital signature system as below.
1. On the Home Page of the then scroll down. You will see the section of the verify digital signature and click on the check esigns button.
Or you can use this link ““.
2. After that upload the signed PDF file for checking by click on the gray button as below.
The system shows result.
4. We will descript these result.
4.1 Report your document.
Check your document are trusted.
Check digital signature is verified.
Check if the validity of the certificate chain and the root CA.
Check the certificates has expired.
4.2 Report general document data.
Check your file name.
Check your file size.
Check current time to checking the file.
4.3 Report Signer certificate.
Check signer.
Check the tax id.
Check duration for the certificate available.
4.4 Report certicate authority data.
Check the certicate authority.
Check the organization behide for the certicate authority.
Written by Supaluck Singjan.
4th November, 2021.